Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 1121-1140 di 1635
Modelling the lateral pedestrian force on rigid and moving floors by a self-sustained oscillator
(2009-11-23)For the serviceability analysis of civil engineering structures under human induced vibrations, a correct modelling of the pedestrian-structure interaction is needed. The proposed approach consists in thinking the ... -
Scaling laws in solar wind turbulence
(2009-11-27) -
Biomateriali a base di silice per applicazioni innovative
(2007-11-09) -
Chemical-physical characterization of complex systems: the case of pectins
(2010-12-02)In industrial process, separation of the hydrolyzed pectin solution is performed by centrifugal and filtration technologies. The effect of water addition to the hydrolyzed citrus peels slurry on the separation efficiency ... -
Critical aspects of quantum field theories on the lattice
(2008-12-31) -
Record di prova
(2007) -
Food control quality by isotope dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
(2014-06-13)The late part of the 20th century the advancement of knowledge regarding nutrition and disease prevention provided an opportunity for individuals to affect their own health. This expanding body of information helped ... -
La meccanica della frattura nelle applicazioni ai calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati
(2014-06-13)The advent of modern computing technology over the last 20 years has permitted to the researchers and engineers to solve very difficult structural problems using sophisticated techniques. The use of finite element method ...