Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 1221-1240 di 1635
Optimization and Ontology for Computational Systems Biology
(2014-04-10)In the context of my PhD I studied mostly problems that nd their location in the bioinformatics and bioengineering elds. The arti cial photosynthesis has been object of my research and problems like the e cient ... -
Indagine archeometrica delle ceramiche rinvenute sul Timpone della Motta di Francavilla Marittima (CS)
(2014-04-10)In this work, we focus on the archaeometric characterisation of some pottery remains dated to the 8th and early 7th centuries BC. The examined sherds come from the excavations carried out by the Groningen Institute of ... -
Dynamic magic sets
(2010)Disjunctive Datalog with stable model semantics is a rule–based language for knowledge representation and common sense reasoning that also allows to use queries for checking the presence of specific atoms in stable models. ... -
Fundamental aspects in metal cutting modelling
(2014-04-07) -
La cenere basaltica: micro-tessiture e dinamiche eruttive
(2014-04-04)This work is focused on micro-scale textural observations on ash particles, erupted from ordinary activity at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Ash samples were collected during three sampling campaigns: 1-5 ... -
Olex Effective Rule Learning for Text Categorization
(2014-04-01)Le prime ricerche nell’ambito del Text Categorization, una sotto-area dell’ Information Retrieval il cui obiettivo `e la classificazione automatica di documenti rispetto a un insieme di categorie predefinite, risalgono ... -
DLVDB An ASP System for Data Intensive ApplicationsRisorsa elettronica
(2014-04-01)La rapida crescita di sistemi informatici derivanti dalle diverse applicazioni cui Internet si presta, ha rapidamente aumentato la quantit`a di dati e di informazioni disponibili per l’elaborazione. In particolare, ... -
Answer Set Programming with Functions
(2014-04-01)L’Answer Set Programming (ASP) [Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1988; 1991] `e un formalismo che si `e affermato, in questi ultimi anni, come potente strumento di programmazione dichiarativa per la rappresentazione della conoscenza ... -
Extending the ASP System DLVDB to Support Complex Terms and Procedural Sub-tasks
(2014-03-31)In many scientific and business scenarios, large amounts of data are generated and stored at increasing speed in local or distributed databases. Scientific experiments generating petabytes of data are daily performed in ... -
Normal Form Nested Programs
(2014-03-31)Nella Programmazione Logica Disgiuntiva (PLD) le regole sono costituite da una testa e da un corpo. La testa è una disgiunzione di atomi, mentre il corpo una congiunzione di letterali. La PLD, sotto la semantica degli ... -
Towards grounding SemanticWeb to Answer Set Programming