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Resilienza e rischio nella rilettura urbanistica dell'emergenza. Il ruolo della viabilità strategica

dc.contributor.authorGaudio, Sara
dc.contributor.authorFurgiuele, Franco
dc.contributor.authorFrancini, Mauro
dc.descriptionUniversità della Calabria. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Civile e Industriale Ciclo XXXIIen_US
dc.description.abstractUrban systems are increasingly experiencing processes of evolution, change and transition. Therefore, there is an urgent need of identifying new planning approaches aimed at promptly responding to them. Over the years, the themes of risk and security have, more or less sponta-neously, contributed to direct the ways of governing the territories. However, the most recent crises have shown how many critical issues have remained unresolved. In this respect, new challenges have to be faced, especially in terms of emergency planning. Starting from a theoretical reflection on the current planning orientation and on the concept of urban resilience, this research tries to use a novel meth-odological approach with a view to provide a new characterisation to Emer-gency Plans, more spatial and not just operational. Following the need to identify some categories of relevant urban elements on the territory, the proposed performance-based framework offers a formal procedure for the detection of strategic road infrastructures. The obtained results allow to plan already in “peacetime” the best alternative routes to ar-rive safely in the areas established by Civil Protection in case of event and to facilitate rescue operations. Therefore, the analysis of the physical and functional relationships among different elements of the territory shifts the focus of emergency from a piece-meal approach to a more integrated one. This will be capable of addressing more consistently the future decisions concerning the urban structures, typi-cal of ordinary territorial planning.en_US
dc.publisherUniversità della Calabriaen_US
dc.subjectViabilità strategicaen_US
dc.titleResilienza e rischio nella rilettura urbanistica dell'emergenza. Il ruolo della viabilità strategicaen_US

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