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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 3221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-<<Les >>sciences du langageSériot, Patrick
-<<Les >>blancs des manuscrits saussuriensNormand, Claudine
-In memoriam Luis J. Prieto (28.11.1926-31.3.1996)Krampen, Martin
-Models (?) for a pragmatic analysisSbisà, Marina; Fabbri, Paolo
-Semiotics in SwitzerlandPellegrino, Pierre
-Théories du langageBronckart, Jean-Paul
-Théories du langageBronckart, Jean-Paul
-<<La >>ripetizione creativaFónagy, Iván
-Luis J. PrietoPellegrino, Pierre
-Ferdinand de Saussure in the era of cognitive linguisticsReda, Ghsoon
-Linguistic production, ideology and otherness: Augusto Ponzio's contribution to the philosophy of languagePetrilli, Susan
-Quelques observations sur les sources de la sémiologie saussurienneKoerner, Ernst Frideryk Konrad
-Semiotica e grammatica in ManzoniVecchio, Sebastiano
-<<Une >>sémiologie du système des signes de la chimieMounin, Georges
-Semiosis, referent, and sign production in a theory of semioticsPonzio, Augusto
-Sémiologie médicale et sémiologie linguistiqueMounin, Georges
-Eléments de langue françaiseHoesli, Hans
-[Prix à Luis J. Prieto]Raffestin, Claude
-Grammatica trasformazionale e ideologia politicaPonzio, Augusto
-<<La >>cucina del sensoMarrone, Gianfranco; Giannitrapani, Alice
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 3221