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dc.contributor.authorUmeton, Renato-
dc.contributor.authorDi Gregorio, Salvatore-
dc.contributor.authorNicosia, Giuseppe-
dc.descriptionDottorato di Ricerca in Matematica ed Informatica,XXIII Ciclo, a.a. 2010en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the context of my PhD I studied mostly problems that nd their location in the bioinformatics and bioengineering elds. The arti cial photosynthesis has been object of my research and problems like the e cient sequestrations of CO2 and the optimization of the Nitrogen consumption have been taken as target. Geobacter sulfurreducens, a microorganism capable of employing biomasses to produce electrons, has been studied as well. New algorithmic approaches have been developed on both topics and new results obtained are currently un- der consideration for \in vitro" and \in vivo" implementations. The integration of the information coming from biological and medical re- sources is a problem that I tackled as well; in this case, the resulting software is currently embedded in the project Cytosolve@MIT. On a parallel track, I also studied problems that are modeled in terms of Cellular Automata, that are a computing environment that shows a straight inspiration from natural phenomena.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversità della Calabriaen_US
dc.titleOptimization and Ontology for Computational Systems Biologyen_US
Appears in Collections:Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Tesi di Dottorato

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