Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile - Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 81-100 di 107
Ultrasonic Guided Waves for Structural Health Monitoring and Application to Rail Inspection Prototype for the Federal Railroad Administration
(2007-11)Recent train accidents, associated direct and indirect costs, as well as safety concerns, have reaffirmed the need for developing rail defect detection systems more effective than those used today. Current methods for ... -
Modelling the lateral pedestrian force on rigid and moving floors by a self-sustained oscillator
(2009-11-23)For the serviceability analysis of civil engineering structures under human induced vibrations, a correct modelling of the pedestrian-structure interaction is needed. The proposed approach consists in thinking the ... -
La meccanica della frattura nelle applicazioni ai calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati
(2014-06-13)The advent of modern computing technology over the last 20 years has permitted to the researchers and engineers to solve very difficult structural problems using sophisticated techniques. The use of finite element method ... -
I futuri della città: la città solidale
(2014-06-09) -
Flow-altering countermeasures against local scour at bridge piers
(2014-06-09)The ability to protect bridge piers and abutments against scour is critical to bridge safety. Excessive pier scour can cause high maintenance costs or even bridge collapse resulting in the interruption of traffic and ... -
Analisi dell'erosione di fondo in materiale coesivo
(2014-06-09) -
Impiego strutturale dei calcestruzzi fibro rinforzati modellazioni teoriche e verifiche sperimentali
(2014-06-04)Recently researches, in the field of civil engineering, have been addressed to study high performance concrete materials. In particular Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) materials are very promising. With the addition of ... -
Post-buckling behaviour of transversely stiffened plate girders
(2014-05-28)Many investigations have been carried out to date into the behaviour of transversely stiffened web panels in bending and shear and many different theories have been proposed. Different code rules have been developed based ...