Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 221-240 di 1651
Thermo‐Fluid Dynamics Study of Oxy‐MILD combustion of pulverized coal in furnaces and in a novel concept of boiler
(2017-06-16)The thermal power plant for the generation of electricity, which uses coal as a primary energy source, presents multiple issues linked to the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gas (CO2) into the atmosphere. Furthermore, ... -
Development and characterization of advanced ceramic materials
(2017-06-29)Il presente lavoro di tesi è incentrato sullo sviluppo e la caratterizzazione di materiali ceramici avanzati. In particolare, tre diversi materiali sono stati prodotti e analizzati, e i risultati ottenuti sono stati ... -
Turbulence characteristics in open-‐channel flows with highly rough beds.
(2017-10-27)River motion is one of the most attractive and fascinating phenomena in nature. Since ancient times many scientists have been drawn into a vortex of confusion observing river motion. Flow observation is often ... -
On the use of mechanistic modeling for the numerical analysis of low impact developments techniques
(2017-06-16)The increasing frequency of flooding events in urban catchments related to an increase in impervious surfaces highlights the inadequacy of traditional urban drainage systems. Low-impact developments (LIDs) techniques have ... -
Bio-inspired techniques applied to the coordination of a swarm of robots involved in multiple tasks
(2017-11-13)La tematica di ricerca trattata in questa tesi riguarda il problema di coordinamento di robot attraverso l’utilizzo di algoritmi decentralizzati che usano meccanismi basati sulla Swarm Intelligence. Tali tecniche hanno ... -
Design of point contact solar cell by means of 3D numerical simulations
(Università della Calabria -Dottorato di Ricerca in Information and Communication Engineering For Pervasive Intelligent Environments, 2017-11-13)Nikola Tesla said that "the sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy". As a matter of fact, sun furnishes with energy all forms of living, e.g., starting from the photosynthesis process, plants absorb ... -
Efficient incremental algorithms for handling graph data
(2017-11-13) -
Data mining techniques for large and complex data
(2017-11-13)During these three years of research I dedicated myself to the study and design of data mining techniques for large quantities of data. Particular attention was devoted to training set condensing techniques for the ... -
Design of back contact solar cells featuring metallization schemes with multiple emitter contact lines based on TCAD numerical simulations
(2017-11-13)The most hard-working goal within PV community is to design and manufacture devices featuring high-efficiency at low-cost with the better reliability as possible. The key to achieving this target is to optimize and improve ... -
Ensemble learning techniques for cyber security applications
(2017-07-13)Cyber security involves protecting information and systems from major cyber threats; frequently, some high-level techniques, such as for instance data mining techniques, are be used to efficiently fight, alleviate the ... -
mm-Wave Antennas For Satellite And Mobile Communications
(2017-07-26)Ever growing demands for higher data rate and bandwidth are pushing wireless applications to millimetre-wave band (3-300GHz), where sufficient bandwidth is available and high performance can be achieved without using complex ... -
Requirements engineering for complex systems
(2017-07-26)Requirements Engineering (RE) is a part of Software Engineering and, in general, of System Engineering. RE aims to help in building software which satis es the user needs, eliciting, documenting, validating and maintaining ... -
Distribution, Reuse and Interoperability of simulation models in heterogeneous distributed computing environments
(2017-07-26)Modeling and Simulation (M&S) is gaining a central role in several industrial domains such as automotive, e-science and aerospace, due to the increasing complexity of system requirements and thus of the related engineering ... -
Water soluble Ir(III) complexes towards organised phases and nanostructured IrO2 thin films
(2018-06-04)This thesis comprises three main macro-topics: water-soluble Iridium (III) complexes, Iridium-based metallogels and nanostructured Iridium Oxide (IrO2). More specifically, the synthesis of new water-soluble cationic ...