Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e Sistemistica - Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 41-60 di 205
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Trusted Execution Environments in Information Security and Volunteer Computing
(2018-08-06)Commodity operating systems, both on desktop and mobile devices, offer rich functionality and consequently a significant attack surface. A compromise of the operating system, however, means that an attacker also has access ... -
SiGe BicMOS Building Blocks for 5G Applications
(2019-01-18)SiGe BiCMOS semiconductor technology has been increasing its application domain especially for the development of complex microwave monolithically integrated circuits (MMIC) required for modern telecommunication systems. ... -
Anomalies in cyber security: detection, prevention and simulation approaches
(2018-07-03)With themassive adoption of the Internet both our private andworking life has drastically changed. The Internet has introduced new ways to communicate and complete every day tasks. Organisations of any kind have taken ... -
Scalable data analysis: methods, tools and applications
(2017-07-26) -
Random telegraph signal in CMOS single photon avalanche diodes
(2019-05-21)This dissertation is focused on single photon devices that have triggered a real revolution in the world of imaging, the Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs). These devices acquired immediately a great interest in the ... -
Assimilation of satellite soil moisture in hydrological modeling: assessment of observations preprocessing and error characterization methods
(2019-04-15)Il contenuto d’acqua nel suolo svolge un ruolo fondamentale all’interno di numerosi processi che avvengono sulla superficie terrestre, ed in particolare di quelli che fanno parte del ciclo idrologico. In tal senso il ... -
Analisi dei processi idraulici in terreni insaturi, potenzialmente instabili, attraverso la sperimentazione con modello fisico in scala
(2019-04-15)Ogni anno eventi pluviometrici, anche molto diversi per durata ed intensità, innescano frane superficiali e profonde sui versanti o colate fangoso-detritiche lungo gli impluvi naturali e le aste torrentizie, che producono ... -
Analisi di eventi pluviometrici ad elevata intensità al sud Italia
(2019-04-15)Lo studio rivolge l’attenzione alla problematica del rischio idrogeologico, ed in particolare alla componente relativa alle precipitazioni estreme. Nelle regioni del Mediterraneo, le caratteristiche climatiche ed orografiche ... -
Analysis and development of physical and MAC Layer protocols in mobile ad Hoc networks involving directional antenna communications
(2019-06-20)Most recent Studies and Researches in IT (Information Technology) are bringing to an increasing development of Pervasive Communication Environments Systems such as MANET and Sensor Networks that assumed great importance, ... -
Reliability of GaN-based devices for Energy Efficient Power Applications
(2019-06-20)The wide spectrum of power electronics applications, including their role in renewable energy conversion and energy saving, require the innovation from conventional Silicon (Si) technology into new materials and architectures ... -
Integration of nanophotonic devices on silicon
(2019-06-20)The purpose of this thesis research project has been the integration of photonic nanostructures on silicon substrate. In particular, three different devices have been developed, whose application fields fall within the ... -
Dual mode logic-based design of variable-precision arithmetic circuits
(2019-06-20)The ever growing technological progress has an unquestionable impact on our society and, with the recent emergence of innovative technological paradigms, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), ... -
User behavioral problems in complex social networks
(2019-06-20)Over the past two decades, we witnessed the advent and the rapid growth of numerous social networking platforms. Their pervasive diffusion dramatically changed the way we communicate and socialize with each other. They ... -
Enhancements of Autonomous Vehicles Environment based on smart communication systems
(2019-06-20)The first part of this thesis is focused on the vehicular networks and on the different protocols that are used in vehicular environment to exchange information and data. A description of the most used protocols of ... -
Hardening the security of modern operating systems against side-channel and rowhammer attacks
(2019-06-20)Advancements in exploitation techniques call for the need of advanced defenses. Modern operating systems have to face new sophisticate attacks that do not rely on any programming mistake, rather they exploit leaking ...