Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 121-140 di 193
Azione cardiaca della catestatina in Rana esculenta
(2014-03-26) -
Identificazione di C-Numb come marcatore dell'ematopoiesi di Ciona intestinalis
(2014-03-25)In Metazoa the maintenance of individuality and the defense against pathogens is devolved to the molecular mechanisms of the innate immunity. Adaptive immunity complements innate immunity in gnathostome vertebrates, thus ... -
Caratterizzazione molecolare e funzionale degli amebociti di Ciona intestinalis nella risposta immune mediata dal sistema del complemento
(2014-03-25)Research over the past ten years indicates that the Complement System, the major effector arm of the vertebrate innate immunity, emerged at least 1,300 million years ago, long before the appearance of the adaptive immune ... -
Biodiversità dei carabidi e conservazione degli ambienti forestali
(2014-03-25)4 Abstract Resilience, stability and resistence of forest ecosystems are the main properties providing the conservation of those habitats and allowing the maintenance of processes essential for the “ecosystem services” ... -
Ruolo neuroprotettivo del sistema istaminergico e delle HSPs nella risposta allo stress ambientale nell’encefalo del Teleosteo Thalassoma pavo
(2014-03-25)At date, a plethora of evidence regarding adverse morpho-functional and neurobiological aspects provoked by environmental stressors has been considered. Following exposure to stress factors, the activation of both specific ... -
Meccanismi di Cross-talking tra i sistemi Orexinergico e GABAergico nei teleostei
(2014-03-25)The neuropeptides hypocretins/orexins (ORX) are known to control state-dependent activities such as sleep-wakefulness, energy homeostasis and reward/addiction processes. To date, interests regarding ORXergic neuronal ... -
Ruolo del cross-talking GABA-glutammato nello sviluppo morfo-funzionale dei neuroni ippocampali di Mesocricetus auratus
(2014-03-24)The hippocampus (HIP) is recognized as a major telencephalic area processing learning and episodic memory events through the accumulation of neuronal signals deriving from the different subregions. In particular, hippocampal ... -
Identificazione e caratterizzazione di FoxP nel sistema nervoso centrale di Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca, Cephalopoda)
(2014-03-24)In this study, I searched and was able to identify FoxP in the transcriptome of the cephalopod mollusc Octopus vulgaris, an invertebrate. In addition, I attempted to analyze the expression of Ov-FoxP in the brain of this ... -
Le patelle delle coste campane: aspetti sistematici, cromosomici e valutazione delle stress genomico
(2014-03-20)By applying advanced techniques that are available now days, it is relatively feasible to determine and monitor the degree of pollution of marine systems. However, it is still difficult to evaluate the effects that ...