Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 41-60 di 193
Relazione tra weathering e tettonica nei processi morfoevolutivi di una porzione del versante occidentale del massiccio della Sila, Calabria
(2019-05-21)Il weathering attraverso i suoi processi di degradazione chimico-fisica porta al disfacimento delle rocce cristalline con conseguente formazione di una coltre più o meno spessa di roccia alterata, a grado di alterazione ... -
Functional cooperation between GPER and AHR toward breast cancer progression
(2019-04-11)The cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) is a heme-thiolate monooxygenase involved in both estrogen and environmental contaminants metabolism. For instance, CYP1B1 catalyzes the hydroxylation of 17-β estradiol (E2) leading to ... -
Chronic kidney disease as an age related disease: new study perspectives fron animal models to hospitalized patents
(2019-04-11)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major public health problem worldwide and its main consequences include the loss of renal function leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), an increased risk of cardiovascular disease ... -
Interface rheology of structured food
(2019-03-18)Proteins are widely used to form and to stabilize the interfacial layers in multiphase systems, due to their surface activity and their ability to give high mechanical resistance to interfacial layers. In the food industry, ... -
Impact of DNA methylation status on plant response to cd explored through a transcriptomic analysis
(2019-04-11)Due to their sessile life style, plants are continuously exposed to a variety of abiotic and biotic stresses which could potentially hinder their growth, development, productivity and survival. In this scenario, it appears ... -
DNA methylation patterns in aging and aging phenotypes
(2019-04-11)During my PhD program, my work has been addressed to the study of the role of epigenetic modifications in aging and in age-related phenotypes. Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve ... -
<<Ia>> catestatina migliora la risposta Frank-Starling in cuori di ratto normotesi e ipertesi agendo come attivatore fisiologico del pathway trasduzionale ossido nitrico-dipendente
(16-12-2015)The myocardial response to mechanical stretch (Frank-Starling law) is an important physiological cardiac determinant. Modulated by many endogenous substances, it is impaired in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies ... -
<<Il>> ruolo del GPER nelle arterie uterine e mesenteriche in gravidanza
(2015-12-16)Low uteroplacental blood flow has been implicated as a cause of pregnancy hypertension and intrauterine fetal growth retardation. A successful pregnancy outcome requires a sufficient uteroplacental blood flow, which increases ... -
Geological and structural evolution of tectonically active areas of the central Calabria Arc
(2016-03-04)The Catanzaro Trough is a Neogene-Quaternary basin developed between the Serre and the Sila Massif, filled by up to 2000 m of Upper Miocene to Quaternary sedimentary succession, belonging to the central Calabrian Arc and ... -
Effect of different formulations of magnesium chloride, used as anaesthetic agents, on the performance of the isolated heart of Octopus vulgaris
(2017-01-17)Il cloruro di magnesio (MgCl2) rappresenta l'anestetico più comunemente utilizzato per i cefalopodi; tuttavia, i suoi effetti fisiologici compresi quelli a livello cardiaco non sono ben caratterizzati. Nel presente studio, ... -
Petrographic and geochemical study of the Jarosite bearing layers of Aeolian Islands
(2014-11-26)A thin reddish-brown Surface Coating (SC) layer has diffusely covered many outcrops of Vulcano Island (one of the Aeolian Islands), located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, south Italy. Vulcano, in the last 120ka has been subjected ... -
Microbial mediation in the formation and alteration of minerals in shallow marine environments (Southern Calabria, Italy)
(2017-11-26)This work wants to investigate the role that microorganisms have in the alteration and precipitation of minerals, in particular Ca-carbonates, on natural and artefact rocks of archaeological interest in shallow marine ... -
Interazione tra Catestatina e fibre Orexinergiche/NMDAergiche in condizioni simil-ischemiche nel criceto ibernante
(2014-11-11)L‘ischemia cerebrale rappresenta la principale causa di mortalità e morbidità a livello mondiale, provocando spesso deficit motori e riducendo la qualità della vita. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che la carenza di ossigeno e ...