Dipartimento di Fisica - Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 101-120 di 200
Aspects of phase transitions in gauge theories and spin models on the lattice
(2016-02-26)The main focus of this thesis are phase transitions both in gauge theories, in particular in Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD), and in two-dimensional spin models. The approach is numeric, relying on dedicated simulation and ... -
Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the lepton+jets channel in pp collisions at ps = 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector
(2016-02-26)I risultati presentati in questa tesi sono frutto del lavoro svolto in collaborazione con il Top working group di ATLAS [1], i quali sono stati descritti in un articolo pubblico di ATLAS [2], e sottomesso alla rivista ... -
<<The>> smart galapagos islands. The design of a learning platform for digital economy, fun, innovation and education
(2017-02-13)ogni branca della scienza. I sistemi complessi sono composti da diverse parti interconnesse e mutuamente interattive, il cui risultato è una serie di comportamenti altamente non prevedibili [49]. Lo studio multidisciplinare ... -
Un laboratorio didattico-scientifico nella scuola secondaria per l’osservazione dei raggi cosmici attraverso il progetto EEE
(2017-02-13)Il lavoro di questa tesi è stato dedicato alla realizzazione, messa in funzione e analisi dati del telescopio per raggi cosmici del Progetto EEE (Extreme Energy Events) presso il Liceo Scientifico di Catanzaro Lido. Oltre ... -
A machine learning system for developing a Human-Robot interface for automatic facial emotions and hand gestures recognition
(2017-02-13)Emotions are an essential part of people's lives because they help us to make decisions, communicate and somehow to understand each other. Additionally, facial emotion perception plays an important role in various fields ... -
Semantis networks: models and application
(2017-02-13)Comprehend and model the human language is a problem of great importance for the modern society. Network science was already proved as a useful tool for this kind of study. In fact, many studies has been done in this ... -
Smart homes and smart objects: internet of things for energy-aware monitoring and controlling systems
(2017-02-13)In recent years, the design and implementation of Home Automation Systems followed the spread of Internet of Things and its intent to make every home smart for end-users through Internet and Wireless connectivity. Ambient ... -
Llow dimensional materials synthesis, characterization and applications
(2017-02-24)This thesis was carried out at the laboratory of the Surface Nanoscience in the Department of Physics of University of Calabria, and at the Institute of Membrane Technology (ITM) of CNR, dealing the study of nanostructured ... -
Molecular simulation of transport proteins in interaction with physiological and pharmacological ligands
(2014-11-13)Molecular complexes of transport proteins with small compounds have been studied by using docking techniques and molecular dynamics simulations. The macromolecules considered are β- lactoglobulin and albumin, i.e. the ... -
Innovative systems for energy harvesting and storage
(2014-12-01)Energy harvesting represent one of the most important problem in today's society: climate changes and geopolitical instabilities remember ourself everyday the needs to nd alternatives to hydrocarbon exploiting. During ... -
Atomic forcemicroscopy of corneal biomechanics