Dipartimento di Fisica - Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 21-40 di 200
Self-assembled materials for anticounterfeiting devices
(Università della Calabria, 2022-06-15)Negli ultimi anni il problema della contraffazione di prodotti ha assunto proporzioni allarmanti. Oltre ad essere un problema economico per aziende e governi, la contraffazione rappresenta un rischio notevole per la salute ... -
Use of seismic metamaterials as innovative concept for the design of earthquake-resistant structures
(Università della Calabria, 2022-04-01)La progettazione di edi ci sismo-resistenti è nalizzata a proteggere gli edi ci dall'impatto dei terremoti che rappresentano ancora oggi uno degli eventi più pericolosi in quanto causano ingenti danni e perdita di vita ... -
Materials and processes for the optical Additive Manufacturing of advanced organic/inorganic nanocomposites for the mask-less plating of insulator and semiconductor substrates, and microfluidic devices
(Università della Calabria, 2020)The research presented in this doctoral thesis is carried out in the nanotechnology and soft matter frameworks, under the 4.0 Industry paradigm, inspired by the need to find new strategies for the Additive Manufacturing ... -
Nanostructured materials for energy: synthesis and chemical-physical characterization for gas adsorption applications
(Università della Calabria, 2021-07-16)Il termine nanoscienze definisce lo studio di fenomeni e tecniche di manipolazione dei materiali su scala atomica e molecolare, dove le proprietà differiscono notevolmente da quelle osservate su scale maggiori. Attualmente ... -
From semi-hard processes to the unintegrated gluon distribution: a phenomelogical path in the high-energy framework
(Università della Calabria, 2021-04-28)The class of semi-hard reactions represents a promising venue where to enhance our knowledge of strong interactions and deepen the aspects related to this theory in kinematical regimes so far unexplored. In particular, ... -
Cryobiophysics: librational dynamics and solvent accessibility in the low-temperature phases of supramolecular aggregatesDocumenti elettronici
(Università della Calabria, 2021-07-16)Studi biofisici realizzati a temperature criogeniche permettono di investigare proprietà dinamiche, cinetiche e strutturali di biosistemi che, sebbene presenti, sarebbero di difficile risoluzione a temperature più alte. ... -
Towards more sustainable organic processes : heterocyclizations in non-conventional solvents
(2017-09-19)This thesis reports the synthesis of important heterocyclic derivatives by iodocyclization, carbonylation and cycloisomerization reactions in Non-Conventionl solvents like deep eutectic solvents (DES) and Ionic Liquids ... -
Improving oilfield performance enabling horizontal drilling techniques: developments and optimization of standard and special measures for a real case study
(2017-11-13)Drilling technique is a crucial issue to pay attention to. Drilling a horizontal well has a great interest to the oil and gas industry since nowadays it provides attractive means for improving both production rate and ... -
TiO2 nanotubes in nanotechnologies
(2017-10-10) -
Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials: graphene, silicene and carbon nano- onions
(2017-10-20)The electronic structure of the graphene/Ni(111) system was investigated by means of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). A single layer of graphene has been obtained on Ni(111) by dissociation of ethylene. Angle-resolved ... -
High-energy resummation in semi-hard processes at the LHC
(2017-06-30)Semi-hard processes in the large center-of-mass energy limit offer us an exclusive chance to test the dynamics behind strong interactions in kinematical sectors so far unexplored, the high luminosity and the record ... -
High-energy resummation in semi-hard processes at the LHC
(2017-06-30)Semi-hard processes in the large center-of-mass energy limit offer us an exclusive chance to test the dynamics behind strong interactions in kinematical sectors so far unexplored, the high luminosity and the record ... -
High-energy resummation in semi-hard processes at the LHC
(2017-06-30)Semi-hard processes in the large center-of-mass energy limit offer us an exclusive chance to test the dynamics behind strong interactions in kinematical sectors so far unexplored, the high luminosity and the record ... -
Development of integrated membrane systems for the treatment of olive mill wastewater and valorization of highadded value bioproducts
(2017-07-21)Nowadays, it is well recognized that advanced clean technologies, able to work in mild conditions and with low energy input are necessary to face challenges in environment protection, ratio nal use of water, production ... -
Nano materials and innovative laser-based accelerators for cultural heritage
(2017-07-12)Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Fisica -
Charged-particle distributions and material measurements in ps = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS Inner Detector
(2017-07-14)The Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, which began in Spring 2015, offers new challenges to the Experiments with its unprecedented energy scale and high luminosity regime. To cope with the new experimental conditions, ... -
Charged-particle distributions and material measurements in ps = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS Inner Detector
(2017-07-14)The Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, which began in Spring 2015, offers new challenges to the Experiments with its unprecedented energy scale and high luminosity regime. To cope with the new experimental conditions, ...