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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1881 to 1900 of 3221
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Théorie générale de l'accentuation latineWeil, Henri; Benloew, Louis
-Kristian von Troyes: Wörterbuch zu seinen sämtlichen WerkenFoerster, Wendelin; Breuer, Hermann
-Caroli Lachmanni in T. Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libros commentariusLachmann, Karl
-Oriental and linguistic studiesWhitney, William Dwight
-<<The >>first book of the HitopadeśaMüller, Friedrich Max; Cower, George Evelyn; Kolpaktchy, Grégoire
-<<A >>Baudouin de Courtenay anthologyBaudouin de Courtenay, Jan Ignacy Niecislaw; Stankiewicz, Edward
-<<A >>Sanskrit grammarWhitney, William Dwight; Sechehaye, Albert
-<<The >>life and growth of languageWhitney, William Dwight
-<<La >>vie du langageWhitney, William Dwight
-Catalogue des livres composant la bibliothèque linguistique de M. le marquis de La Ferté-Sénectère, membre de la Société asiatiqueLa Ferté-Sénectère, marquis de
-<<The >>roots, verb forms and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit languageWhitney, William Dwight; Sechehaye, Albert
-<<The >>Whitney memorial meetingLanman, Charles Rockwell; Whitney, William Collins; American congress of philologists, 1.
-Über die Resultate der SprachwissenschaftMüller, Friedrich Max; Sechehaye, Albert
-<<La >>vita e lo sviluppo del linguaggioWhitney, William Dwight; D'Ovidio, Francesco
-William Dwight Whitney and the science of languageAlter, Stephen G.
-Immanuelis Bekkeri professoris Berolinensis, Anecdota Graeca. Volumen primum-[tertium]Bekker, Immanuel; Nauck, Gottfried Karl; Reimer, Georg Andreas
-Language and the study of languageWhitney, William Dwight
-On the stratification of languageMüller, Friedrich Max
-Wörterbuch zu Hartmanns IweinBenecke, Georg Friedrich; Borchling, Conrad
-Grammaire comparée de la langue françaiseAyer, Cyprien
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1881 to 1900 of 3221