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Title: Development of advanced systems for energy conversion based on innovative two- dimensional materials
Authors: Zappia, Marilena Isabella
Critelli, Salvatore
Chiarello, Gennaro
Cupolillo, Anna
Keywords: Two-dimensional materials
Photoelectrochemical photodetectors
Issue Date: 27-Sep-2021
Publisher: Università della Calabria
Series/Report no.: FIS/01;
Abstract: The even growing energy demand due to the demographic growth and the consequent economic expansion has led to the search for innovative technologies available for energy production and conversion from green and renewable sources such as solar energy. In this context, twodimensional (2D) materials, including either single- and few-layer flake forms, are constantly attracting more and more interest as potential advanced photo(electro)catalysts for redox reactions leading to green fuel production. Recently, layered semiconductors of group-III and group-IV, which can be exfoliated in their 2D form due to low cleavage energy (typically < 0.5 J m-2), have been theoretically predicted as water splitting photocatalysts for hydrogen production. For example, their large surface-to-volume ratio intrinsically guarantees that the charge carriers are directly photogenerated at the interface with the electrolyte, where redox reactions take place before they recombine. Moreover, their electronic structure can be tuned by controlling the number of layers, fulfilling the fundamental requirements for water splitting photocatalysts, i.e.: 1) conduction band minimum (CBM) energy (ECBM) > reduction potential of H+/H2 (E(H+/H2)); 2) valence band maximum (VBM) energy (EVBM) < reduction potential of O2/H2O (E(O2/H2O)). A requirement for large-scale applications is the development of low-cost, reliable industrial production processes. In this scenario, liquid-phase exfoliation (LPE) methods provide scalable production of 2D materials in form of liquid dispersions, enabling their processing in thin-film through low‐cost and industrially relevant deposition techniques. This thesis investigates, for the first time, the photoelectrochemical (PEC) activity of single-/fewlayer flakes of GaS, GaSe, and GeSe produced through ultrasound-assisted LPE in environmentally friendly solvents (e.g., 2-propanol) in aqueous media. Our results are consequently used to design proof-of-concept PEC water splitting photoelectrodes, as well as PEC-type photodetectors. Moreover, structural and electronic properties of PtTe2 have been investigated, being this material a potential catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and other fuel-producing electrochemical reactions.
Description: Università della Calabria. .Dipartimento di Fisica. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e Ingegneria dell'Ambiente, delle Costruzioni e dell'Energia. Ciclo XXXIII
Appears in Collections:Dipartimento di Fisica - Tesi di Dottorato

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