Now showing items 1-5 of 5

  • Emering problems in influence propagation and maximization 

    Caliò, Antonio; Crupi, Felice; Tagarelli, Andrea (Università della Calabria, 2021-05-10)
    In the last two decades we witnessed the advent and the rapid growth of online social networks (OSNs). The impact of their pervasive diffusion on everyday life has been dramatic. In fact, social networks changed the way ...
  • Mining and learning problems in complex graph data 

    Mandaglio, Domenico; Crupi, Felice; Greco, Sergio; Tagarelli, Andrea (Università della Calabria, 2021-05-10)
    I grafi sono modelli matematici che rappresentano oggetti, chiamati nodi o vertici, coinvolti in relazioni a coppia, detti archi. Tali modelli vengono impiegati per descrivere sistemi interconnessi tra cui reti tecnologiche ...
  • Multi-topic and multilingual document clustering via tensor modeling 

    Romeo, Salvatore; Greco, Sergio; Tagarelli, Andrea (2014-12-05)
  • Novel ranking problems in information networks 

    Interdonato, Roberto; Greco, Sergio; Tagarelli, Andrea (2014-11-28)
  • User behavioral problems in complex social networks 

    Perna, Diego; Tagarelli, Andrea; Crupi, Felice (2019-06-20)
    Over the past two decades, we witnessed the advent and the rapid growth of numerous social networking platforms. Their pervasive diffusion dramatically changed the way we communicate and socialize with each other. They ...