Sfoglia Tesi di Dottorato per Titolo
Items 1-20 di 1671
3d web-based parallel applications for the numerical modeling of natural phenomena
(2014-11-28)In this thesis, I designed and implemented three new web applications tai- lored for the Cellular Automata (CA) simulation models SCIDDICA-k1, SCIARA-fv3 and ABBAMPAU, making use of the GoogleWeb Toolkit frame- work and ... -
<<A>> Defect-Centric analysis of the channel hot carrier degradation
(2016-02-02)Durante l'ultimo decennio, il channel hot carrier (CHC) e stato considerato uno dei pi u importanti meccanismi di degrado della moderna tecnologia CMOS. La degradazione CHC si veri- ca quando un voltaggio superiore a ... -
<<A>> methodology for the development of autonomic and cognitive internet of things ecosystems
(2018-06-08)Advancements on microelectromechanical systems, embedded technologies, and wireless communications have recently enabled the evolution of conven- tional everyday things in enhanced entities, commonly de ned Smart ... -
<<A>> modelling study of atmospheric cycle of mercury and its exchange processes at environmental interfaces
(2015-12-18)Since ancient times human activities have significantly altered the natural global Mercury (Hg) cycle through emissions to the environment. Hg is a global pollutant since its predominant atmospheric form, elemental Hg, ... -
<<A>> proposal of efficient routing techniques and intelligent vehicular traffic management in the smart cities context, through distributed wireless networks
(2016-02-02)In this thesis, the design of e cient techniques for routing protocol suitable to Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) has been pro- posed. In particular, the aims of the proposed protocols are to reduce interference ... -
Absorpitive losses mitigation in gain-plasmon hybrid systems as optical metamaterials
(2013-11-29)In the past decade, plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) have gained a lot of interest due to their exceptional and fascinating properties which have been accomplishing vital role in emerging science and technology towards ... -
Accuracy aspects in flood propagation studies due to earthfill dam failures
(2015-10-30)Flooding due to dam failing is one of the catastrophic disasters which might cause significant damages in the inundated area downstream of the dam. In particular, there is a need of trustworthy numerical techniques for ... -
Action of the E2/ERβ/PTEN signaling in the metabolic reprogramming of TCam 2, human melanoma cell line
(2019-03-21)I tumori maligni più abbondanti nella popolazione maschile di età compresa tra i 17 ed i 45 anni, sono i tumori delle cellule germinali (GCTs). Essi comprendono un gruppo eterogeneo di neoplasie in termini istologici, ... -
Activated FXR inhibits leptin signaling and counteracts tumor-promoting activities of cancer-associated fibroblasts in breast malignancy
(2017-06-12)Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), the principal components of the tumor stroma, play a central role in cancer development and progression. As an important regulator of the crosstalk between breast cancer cells and CAFs, ... -
Active plasmonic nanostructures for biomedical applications
(Università della Calabria, 2020-03-27)Real-time and label-free detection of protein molecules at ultralow concentration in their natural state is considered the “Holy-Grail” in biomedical research. Protein molecules pop up in the bodily fluids such as saliva, ... -
Active plasmonics in soft matter doped with gold nanoparticles plasmonica attiva in materia soffice drogata con nanoparticelle d'oro
(2013-11-29)The main objective of this study is active plasmonics. The work has been focussed on the design, characterization and theoretical interpretation of novel systems. Top-down and bottom-up, self-assembling, approaches have ... -
Adsorption properties of carbon nanotubes and application of thermal desoprtion spectroscopy to ammonia and methane ices and zoisite
(2010-12-14)In this work we wanted to underline the importance of Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy and its applications to several branches of Physics. Temperature-programmed desorption techniques (TPD) are important to determinate ...