Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica e Gestionale - Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 21-40 di 104
Analysis of Static and Dynamic Meshing Behaviour of Lightweight Gears
(2019-04-15)In questo lavoro di tesi si è analizzato il comportamento dinamico di ruote dentate alleggerite. Tale tipologia di ingranaggi prevede l’utilizzo di corpi ruota dalla topologia ottimizzata al fine di ridurre la massa ... -
Sistemi di rinforzo FRCM:analisi sperimentale del comportamento strutturale, valutazione della durabilità e sviluppo di matrici innovative
(2019-05-21)L’impiego di compositi fibrorinforzati per il rinforzo e l’adeguamento sismico di strutture esistenti risulta una tecnologia sempre più utilizzata. Recentemente, ai sistemi di rinforzo in FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymers), ... -
Models and enabling IoT technologies for cooperative energy brokerage in smart-grid
(2019-05-21)The strong decentralization of energy production, especially from nonprogrammable renewable sources (nPRS), obtained with the rising and interconnection of small plants, has placed the end user at the centre of the whole ... -
Studio di un impianto a concentrazione solare con riflettori di Fresnel a movimentazione biassiale
(2019-04-15)I processi di produzione dell’energia elettrica e lo sfruttamento indiscriminato delle fonti energetiche tradizionali rischiano di arrecare gravi danni non solo nei confronti dell’ambiente (surriscaldamento globale e ... -
Sviluppo, realizzazione e test sperimentali su strada di un powertrain ibrido a celle a combustibile e batterie per un bus urbano e sub-urbano
(2019-04-15)In Europe, the transport sector is responsible for almost 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and is the main cause of air pollution in cities. Among the various measures, a better urban planning, technological improvements ... -
Innovative manipulation techniques for underwater robotics
(2019-03-04)This thesis is concerned with innovative manipulation techniques for underwater robotics and ocean engineering. In particular, it focuses on challenging problems of three different areas of the underwater manipulation, ... -
Nearly zero energy buildings: technical solution for mediterranean climate and influence of occupancy
(2019-04-15)The European Union has identified construction, responsible for about 40% of global energy consumption, as the key sector for smart and sustainable growth, through the development of strategies and tools aimed at making ... -
Emergency preparedness in industrial plants: an industry 4.0 driven training solution
(2019-03-04)Major accident hazards industrial sites or high-risk industries lack of a dedicated training methodology and environment to enhance significantly the personnel rate of retention as well as emergency preparedness and ... -
Ship bridge simulators for training in maritime domain
(2015-12-16) -
Finite Element models for the dynamic analysis of composite and sandwich structures
(2015-12-16)The use of lightweight multi-layered materials is dramatically changing the design process and criteria in many engineering fields. The transportation industry, for example, is facing major challenges in order to replace ... -
Process design optimization based on metamodeling and metaheuristic techniques
(2015-12-16)This dissertation explores the use of mathematical and statistical tools to analyze, control and optimize manufacturing processes. Table 8.1 summarizes the topics analyzed and the contributions of this dissertation. The ... -
Development, modeling and technical analysis of polymeric Fuel Cell propulsion systems for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(2015-12-16)Uno dei maggiori settori di consumo di petrolio e combustibili fossili è il settore dei trasporti. Questo comporta conseguenze negative per ciò che riguarda l’inquinamento ambientale ed i cambiamenti climatici. Le ...