Browsing Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Tesi di Dottorato by Title
Now showing items 57-71 of 71
Seamless acceleratin numerical regular grid methods on manycore systems
(2018-01-19)Over the last two decades, a lot has changed regarding the way modern scientific applications are designed, written and executed, especially in the field of data-analytics, scientific computing and visualization. Dedicated ... -
Surfaces with Prym-canonical hyperplane sections
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-17)Uno dei principali problemi della geometria algebrica e la classi cazione delle variet a algebriche a meno di isomor smi o di equivalenza birazionale. Mentre il problema della classi cazione di curve algebriche e ... -
Tecniche per la valutazione distribuita di programmi logici
(2014-11-30)Recent developments in IT, and in particular the expansion of networking technologies, have made quite common the availability of software architectures where data sources are distributed across multiple (physically-di ... -
<<The>> impact of software on Mathematics education in high schools
(2017-02-22)Il rapporto tra tecnologia e insegnamento-apprendimento della Matematica è un fenomeno complesso che merita di essere osservato da diversi punti di vista. Uno di questi è il ruolo che i software svolgono, e potrebbero ... -
Tight integration of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development Tools
(Università della Calabria, 2020-03-11)In this thesis we aim to narrow some of the gaps that prevent the adoption of declarative tools within highly dynamically changing environments, with a particular focus to the context of game development. Integrating ... -
Tools and Techniques for Easing the Application of Answer Set Programming
(2018-01-19)Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established declarative problem solving paradigm; it features high expressiveness and the ability to deal with incomplete knowledge, so it became widely used in AI and it is now ... -
Topics in metric fixed point teory and stability of dynamical systems
(2018-01-19)In this thesis we introduce iterative methods approximating fixed points for nonlinear operators defined in infinite-dimensional spaces. The starting points are the Implicit and Explicit Midpoint Rules generating polygonal ... -
Towards an effective and explainable AI: studies in the biomedical domain
(Università della Calabria, 2021-07-05)Providing accurate diagnoses of diseases and maximizing the effectiveness of treatments requires, in general, complex analyses of many clinical, omics, and imaging data. Making a fruitful use of such data is not ... -
Towards grounding SemanticWeb to Answer Set Programming
(2014-03-31) -
Uniform distribution of sequences of points and partitions