Browsing Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Tesi di Dottorato by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 71
CORE: an intelligent trasportation systems in Calabria
(2017-02-22) -
Datalog with existential quantifiers: an optimal trade-off between expressiveness and scalability
(2012-11-11)Ontologies and rules play a central role in the development of the Semantic Web. Recent research in this context focuses especially on highly scalable formalisms for the Web of Data, which may highly benefit from exploiting ... -
Declarative solutions for the the Manipulation of Articulated Objects Using Dual-Arm Robots
(Università della Calabria, 2020-03-17)The manipulation of exible object is of primary importance in industry 4.0 and in home environments scenarios. Traditionally, this problem has been tackled by developing ad-hoc approaches, that lack of exibility and ... -
Design and implementation of a modern ASP grounder
(2018-01-19)Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a declarative programming paradigm proposed in the area of non-monotonic reasoning and logic programming in the late '80 and early '90. Thanks to its expressivity and capability of dealing ... -
DLVDB An ASP System for Data Intensive ApplicationsRisorsa elettronica
(2014-04-01)La rapida crescita di sistemi informatici derivanti dalle diverse applicazioni cui Internet si presta, ha rapidamente aumentato la quantit`a di dati e di informazioni disponibili per l’elaborazione. In particolare, ... -
Domain specific languages for parallel numerical modeling on structured grids
(2019-01-17)High performance computing (HPC) is undergoing a period of enormous change. Due to the di culties in increasing clock frequency inde nitely (i.e., the breakdown of Dennard's scaling and power wall), the current direction is ... -
Dyadic TGDs - A new paradigm for ontological query answering
(Università della Calabria, 2022-03-11)Ontology-BasedQueryAnswering(OBQA)consistsinqueryingdata– bases bytakingontologicalknowledgeintoaccount.Wefocusona logical frameworkbasedonexistentialrulesor tuple generatingdepen- dencies (TGDs), alsoknownasDatalog±, ... -
Dynamic magic sets
(2010)Disjunctive Datalog with stable model semantics is a rule–based language for knowledge representation and common sense reasoning that also allows to use queries for checking the presence of specific atoms in stable models. ... -
Eccient evaluation of disjunctive logic programs
(2014-03-31)Agli inizi degli anni ‘80, Jack Minker propose di accrescere la potenza della programmazione logica consentendo l’utilizzo della disgiunzione nelle teste delle regole e specificando come l’assunzione di mondo chiuso ... -
Enhancing and Applying Answer Set Programming: Lazy Constraints, Partial Compilation and Question Answering
(2019-01-17)This work is focused on Answer Set Programming (ASP), that is an expressive formalism for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Over time, ASP has been more and more devoted to solving real-world problems thanks to ... -
Extending the ASP System DLVDB to Support Complex Terms and Procedural Sub-tasks
(2014-03-31)In many scientific and business scenarios, large amounts of data are generated and stored at increasing speed in local or distributed databases. Scientific experiments generating petabytes of data are daily performed in ... -
Fixed Point Iterations for Nonlinear Mappings
(2015-12-15)In questa tesi vengono a rontati, e talvolta risolti, alcuni problemi sulla convergenza di algoritmi per punti ssi. A tali problemi, verr a a ancato inoltre l'ulteriore problema di stabilire quando tali algoritmi ... -
GAMON discovering M-of-N hypotheses for text classification by a lattice-based genetic algorithm
(2013-11-12)Lo sviluppo delle moderne tecnologie informatiche, nonch´e la diffusione dei servizi per il Web, ha portato ad una considerevole produzione di informazioni e dati di diversa natura: documenti testuali (dati non strutturati), ... -
Generalizing identity-based string similarity metrics: theory and applications
(2018-01-19)Le stringhe giocano un ruolo fondamentale in informatica: codificando i dati, la loro interpretazione permette di derivare informazione. Dato un insieme di stringhe, alcune interessanti domande emergono: “queste stringhe ... -
Integrated development environment for answer set programming
(2012-11-30)Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a truly-declarative programming paradigm proposed in the area of non-monotonic reasoning and logic programming. The successful application of ASP in a number of advanced projects, has ...