Browsing Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Tesi di Dottorato by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 71
Logic Programming in non-conventional environments
(2018-05-03)Logic Programming became a very useful paradigm in many different areas and thus several languages (and solvers) have been created to support various kinds of reasoning tasks. However, in the last decades, thanks also ... -
A logic-based decision support system for the diagnosis of headache disorders according to the ichd - 3 international classification
(Università della Calabria, 2022-04-21) -
Low-discrepancy sequences: theory and applications
(2014-11-28)The main topic of this present thesis is the study of the asymptotic behaviour of sequences modulo 1. In particular, by using ergodic and dynamical methods, a new insight to problems concerning the asymptotic behaviour ... -
Mixed Capacitated General Routing Problem Investigations
(2014-03-11) -
Normal Form Nested Programs
(2014-03-31)Nella Programmazione Logica Disgiuntiva (PLD) le regole sono costituite da una testa e da un corpo. La testa è una disgiunzione di atomi, mentre il corpo una congiunzione di letterali. La PLD, sotto la semantica degli ... -
Olex Effective Rule Learning for Text Categorization
(2014-04-01)Le prime ricerche nell’ambito del Text Categorization, una sotto-area dell’ Information Retrieval il cui obiettivo `e la classificazione automatica di documenti rispetto a un insieme di categorie predefinite, risalgono ... -
Omega our multi ethnic genetic algorithm
(2014-03-13)Combinatorial optimization is a branch of optimization. Its domain is optimization problems where the set of feasible solutions is discrete or can be reduced to a discrete one, the goal being that of nding the best ... -
On a class of singular semilinear equations
(2012-11-28) -
On irregular surfaces of general type wih K2=2ҳ+1 and pg=2
(2009-11-25)This thesis is devoted to one of the classic topics about algebraic surfaces: the classi cation of irregular surface of general type and the analysis their moduli space. To a minimal surface of general type S we associates ... -
On iterative methods for quasi-nonexpansive mappings
(2015-12-15)Lo scopo di questa tesi e quello di risolvere alcuni problemi di approssimazioni di punti ssi di mappe non lineari e approssimazioni di soluzioni di disequazioni variazionali, illustrati in una ricca raccolta e collezione ... -
Ontology-driven information extraction
(2017-07-20)Information Extraction consists in obtaining structured information from unstructured and semi-structured sources. Existing solutions use advanced methods from the field of Natural Language Processing and Artificial ... -
Optimization and Ontology for Computational Systems Biology
(2014-04-10)In the context of my PhD I studied mostly problems that nd their location in the bioinformatics and bioengineering elds. The arti cial photosynthesis has been object of my research and problems like the e cient ...