Browsing Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Tesi di Dottorato by Title
Now showing items 49-68 of 71
Optimization and Ontology for Computational Systems Biology
(2014-04-10)In the context of my PhD I studied mostly problems that nd their location in the bioinformatics and bioengineering elds. The arti cial photosynthesis has been object of my research and problems like the e cient ... -
Paracoherent Answer Set Programming
(2017-02-22)L’Answer Set Programming (ASP) è un paradigma di programmazione dichiarativa basato sulla semantica dei modelli stabili. L’idea alla base di ASP è di codificare un problema computazionale in un programma logico i cui ... -
Parallel and evolutionary applications to cellular automata models for mitigation of lava flow invasions
(2013-11-25)In the lava ow mitigation context, the determination of areas exposed to volcanic risk is crucial for diminishing consequences in terms of human causalities and damages of material properties. In order to mitigate the ... -
Parallel evaluation of ASP programs:techniques and implementation
(2011-11-30)Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a purely declarative programming paradigm based on nonmonotonic reasoning and logic programming. The idea of ASP is to represent a given computational problem by a logic program such ... -
Pure strategies in security games
(2017-07-20)In the past decades game theory allowed to model mathematically conflicts between groups of players, each with their own agenda, and found ways to apply them in real life situations. One of such applications, which has ... -
Reasoning in highly dynamic environments
(Università della Calabria, 2021-07-03) -
Seamless acceleratin numerical regular grid methods on manycore systems
(2018-01-19)Over the last two decades, a lot has changed regarding the way modern scientific applications are designed, written and executed, especially in the field of data-analytics, scientific computing and visualization. Dedicated ... -
Surfaces with Prym-canonical hyperplane sections
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-17)Uno dei principali problemi della geometria algebrica e la classi cazione delle variet a algebriche a meno di isomor smi o di equivalenza birazionale. Mentre il problema della classi cazione di curve algebriche e ... -
Tecniche per la valutazione distribuita di programmi logici
(2014-11-30)Recent developments in IT, and in particular the expansion of networking technologies, have made quite common the availability of software architectures where data sources are distributed across multiple (physically-di ... -
<<The>> impact of software on Mathematics education in high schools
(2017-02-22)Il rapporto tra tecnologia e insegnamento-apprendimento della Matematica è un fenomeno complesso che merita di essere osservato da diversi punti di vista. Uno di questi è il ruolo che i software svolgono, e potrebbero ... -
Tight integration of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development Tools
(Università della Calabria, 2020-03-11)In this thesis we aim to narrow some of the gaps that prevent the adoption of declarative tools within highly dynamically changing environments, with a particular focus to the context of game development. Integrating ... -
Tools and Techniques for Easing the Application of Answer Set Programming
(2018-01-19)Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established declarative problem solving paradigm; it features high expressiveness and the ability to deal with incomplete knowledge, so it became widely used in AI and it is now ... -
Topics in metric fixed point teory and stability of dynamical systems
(2018-01-19)In this thesis we introduce iterative methods approximating fixed points for nonlinear operators defined in infinite-dimensional spaces. The starting points are the Implicit and Explicit Midpoint Rules generating polygonal ... -
Towards an effective and explainable AI: studies in the biomedical domain
(Università della Calabria, 2021-07-05)Providing accurate diagnoses of diseases and maximizing the effectiveness of treatments requires, in general, complex analyses of many clinical, omics, and imaging data. Making a fruitful use of such data is not ...