Low-discrepancy sequences: theory and applications
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Creato da
Iacò, Maria Rita
Leone, Nicola
Carbone, Ingrid
Tichy, Robert
Volci, Aljosa
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Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica ed Informatica, Ciclo XXVII, a.a. 2013-2014; The main topic of this present thesis is the study of the asymptotic behaviour
of sequences modulo 1.
In particular, by using ergodic and dynamical methods, a new insight to
problems concerning the asymptotic behaviour of multidimensional sequences
can be given, and a criterion to construct new multidimensional uniformly
distributed sequences is provided.
More precisely, one considers a uniformly distributed sequence (u.d.)
(xn)n2N in the unit interval, i.e. a sequence satisfying the relation
f(xn) =
Z 1
f(x)dx ;
for every continuous function f de ned on [0; 1].
This relation suggests the possibility of a numerical approximation of the
integral on the right-hand side by means of u.d. sequences, even if it does
not give any information on the quality of the estimator.
The following quantity
= D N
(x1; : : : ; xN) = sup
n=1 1[0;a[(xn)
([0; a[)
called the star discrepancy, has been introduced in order to have a quantitative
insight on the rate of convergence.
One of the most important results about the integration error of this approximation
technique is given by the Koksma-Hlawka inequality which states
that the error can be bounded by the product of the variation of f (in the
sense of Hardy and Krause), denoted by V (f), and the star-discrepancy D N
of the point sequence (xn)n2N:
Z 1
V (f)D N
(xn) :
Thus in order to minimize the integration error we have to use point sequences
with small discrepancy, that is, sequences which achieve a stardiscrepancy
of order O(N1(logN)). These sequences are called low-discrepancy sequences and they turn out to be very useful especially for the approximation
of multidimensional integrals. In this context, the error in the approximation
is smaller than the probabilistic one of the standard Monte
Carlo method, where a sequence of random points instead of deterministic
points, is used. Methods using low-discrepancy sequences, often called
quasi-random sequences, are called Quasi-Monte Carlo methods (QMC).
However, to construct low-discrepancy sequences, especially multidimensional
ones, and to compute the discrepancy of a given sequence are in general
not easy tasks.
The aim of this thesis is to provide a full description of these problems
as well as the methods used to handle them. The idea was to consider tools
from ergodic theory in order to produce new low-discrepancy sequences. The
starting point to do this, is to look at the orbit, i.e. the sequence of iterates,
of a continuous transformation T de ned on the unit interval which has the
property of being uniquely ergodic.
The unique ergodicity of the transformation has the following consequence:
If T : [0; 1] ! [0; 1] is uniquely ergodic, then for every f 2 L1(X)
f(Tnx) =
f(x)d (x) ;
for every x 2 X.
So the orbit of x under T is a uniformly distributed sequence.
In this respect, we devoted the rst chapter entirely on classical topics
in uniform distribution theory and ergodic theory.
This provides the basic requirements for a complete understanding of the
following chapters, even to a reader who is not familiar with the subject.
Chapter 2 deals with a countable family of low-discrepancy sequences,
namely the LS-sequences of points. In particular, one of these sequences
will be considered in full detail in Chapter 3.
The content of Chapters 3, 4 and 5 is based on three published papers
that I co-authored.
In Chapter 3, the method used to construct the transformation T is the
so-called \cutting-stacking" technique. In particular, we were able to prove
the ergodicity of T (a weaker property than unique ergodicity), and that
the orbit of the origin under this map coincides with an LS-sequence which turns out to be a low-discrepancy one.
In Chapter 4, another approach from ergodic theory is used. This approach
is based on the study of dynamical systems arising from numeration
systems de ned by linear recurrences. In this way we could not only prove
that the transformation T de ned in Chapter 3 is uniquely ergodic, but we
could also construct multidimensional uniformly distributed sequences.
Finally, we go back to the problem of nding an approximation for integrals.
In Chapter 5 we tried to nd bounds for integrals of two-dimensional,
piecewise constant functions with respect to copulas. Copulas are functions
that can be viewed as asymptotic distribution functions with uniform
margins. To solve this problem, we had to draw a connection to linear assignment
problems, which can be solved e ciently in polynomial time. The
approximation technique was applied to problems in nancial mathematics
and uniform distribution theory.; Università della CalabriaSoggetto
Analisi matematica; Sistemi ergotici