Dipartimento di Farmacia e Scienze della Salute e della Nutrizione - Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 61-80 di 106
Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) through TGR5-dependent CREB-signaling activation enhances Cyclin D1 expression and promotes human endometrial cancer cell proliferation
(2011)Increasing epidemiologic data in humans as well as many in vitro investigative reports suggest that overweight and obesity are important risk factors for type-I EC which is the most common malignancy in women and accounts ... -
In vitro mechanism for downregulation of erα expression by epigallocatechim gallate in ER+/PR+ human breast cancer cells
(2013-11-26)La prolungata esposizione agli estrogeni rappresenta un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo e la progressione del carcinoma mammario, pertanto la terapia antiestrogenica è considerata l’approccio terapeutico di elezione ... -
Modelli sperimentali cellulari e molecolari per la valutazione della tossicità di xenobiotici
(2013-12-02)The aim of my thesis was to find two different experimental models to study cellular and molecular xenobiotics toxicity. In the first part of the present work we studied the interaction between two different plasma ... -
Study of autophagic and epigenetic mechanisms in experimental models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain for the identification of new pharmacological targets
(2013-11-28)Pain is defined by IASP as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage” (IASP, 2011). While physiological pain is like a warning ... -
<<The>> estrogen receptor α is the key regulator of the bifunctional role of FoxO3a transcription factor in breast cancer motility and invasiveness
(2013-12-02)The role of the Forkhead box class O (FoxO)3a transcription factor in breast cancer migration and invasion is controversial. Here we show that FoxO3a overexpression decreases motility, invasiveness, and anchorage-indep ... -
Caratterizzazione pre-clinica di una nuova strategia terapeutica per l'ischemia cerebrale identificata mediante drug repurposing di un antibiotico macrolide
(2013-11-30)Cerebral ischemia is one of the most common causes of disability and mortality worldwide and the only pharmacological treatment currently available is thrombolysis. The understanding of the mechanisms underlying ischemic ... -
Influenza dei processi tecnologici sul contenuto di composti bioattivi, bioaccessibilità e attività antiossidante di peperoncini (Capsicum)
(2013-11-28)Il peperoncino (Capsicum) è da tempo riconosciuto come un’eccellente fonte di composti fitochimici bioattivi quali i carotenoidi, i polifenoli e i capsaicinoidi, noti per esercitare vari effetti biologici positivi e di ... -
Mechanisms of RA action in steroidogenic tissues and pro-apoptotic effects of combined treatment of breast tumoral cell lines with 9-cis retinoic acid and rosiglitazione
(2008-11-20)Vitamin A (Retinol) plays a central role in many essential biological processes such as vision, immunity, reproduction, growth, development, control of cellular proliferation and differentiation. The main active forms ... -
Il trasportatore di carnitina OCTN2: espressione ed implicazioni fisiopatologiche
(2010)In the present work we studied the plasma membrane transporter of carnitine OCTN2. We firstly investigated the interaction of this transporter with a commonly used drug, the omeprazolo. The carnitine transporter was ... -
Dynamic effects of retinoic acid and its isomers on cancer and physiology
(2010-11-23)In the search for new cancer chemo-preventive compounds, hundreds of naturally occurring molecules have been evaluated. Among these, antioxidants appear to be very promising. In this contest, over the last decade retinoids, ...