Browsing Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato by Title
Now showing items 39-58 of 192
Ecologia e biologia riproduttiva in una popolazione alloctona di Trachemys scripta elegans in Calabria
(2012-12-14)This research was carried out from 2009 to 2011 in the Lake of Angitola on the reproductive biology of the slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans, an alien species that in this site has been naturalized since the 1980’s. ... -
Edible oleogels: a rheological and microstructural analysis for structured emulsions design
(Università della Calabria, 2022-06-01) -
The effect of cholesterol on the function of eukaryotic membrane transporters for amino acids
(Università della Calabria, 2020-11-25)Amino acid transport in mammalian cells is mediated by different amino acid transporters. Amino acid flow, which is important under physiological conditions, becomes particularly relevant under pathological conditions such ... -
Effect of different formulations of magnesium chloride, used as anaesthetic agents, on the performance of the isolated heart of Octopus vulgaris
(2017-01-17)Il cloruro di magnesio (MgCl2) rappresenta l'anestetico più comunemente utilizzato per i cefalopodi; tuttavia, i suoi effetti fisiologici compresi quelli a livello cardiaco non sono ben caratterizzati. Nel presente studio, ... -
Effetti del daidzein sul comportamento mnemonico attraverso le variazioni del sistema neurotensinergico e di fattori infiammatori in aree limbiche di criceti high fat diet
(2018-04-11)In the past years, growing indications have pointed to food diets as major factors capable of conditioning physical-social states in humans as suggested by high-fat containing food sources which, despite their extremely ... -
Effetti dell’endosulfan sugli Anfibi: uno studio morfologico e comportamentale
(2011)The declining amphibian population is a global phenomenon in conservation biology that has attracted the attention of many scientists (Russell et al., 1995; Stallard, 2001; Sparling e Fellers, 2009). As for the majority ... -
Effetti neuro-comportamentali del rame nei teleostei: ruolo dell'HSP90 e del sistema ORXergico
(2012-11-29)Tra i metalli, il rame (Cu2+), sebbene essenziale per il corretto metabolismo corporeo, può risultare un potente agente tossico in grado di promuovere pericolosi eventi nocivi, soprattutto nei pesci. Ad oggi, sono poche ... -
Effetto del bisfenolo A sulla vascolatura uterina materna e sull'unità feto-placentare
(Università della Calabria, 2021-12-01) -
Espressione di sistemi di trasporto umani di membrana plasmatica in E.coli
(2014-03-26)In this work we studied the bacterial over-expression of two human transporters belonging the Organi Cation Trasportr Novel (OCTN) protein family. This family includes the mammalian plasma membrane transporters OCTN1, OCTN2 ... -
Evolutive significance of hybridization in Mediterranean deceptive orchids
(2012-11-27)Università della Calabria -
Exploring new routes in genetic studies on human aging and longevity
(2013-10-29)The past few decades has witnessed a growing scientific interest in genetic studies on human aging and longevity. This growing interest may be explained by the increasing number of elderly subjects in developed countries ...