Browsing Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato by Title
Now showing items 114-133 of 191
Leaf proteomics of seagrasses under light conditions and salinity
(2013-11-29)Le fanerogame marine, nel nostro studio limitate alle seagrasses, si sono adattate per occupare vaste estensioni dei fondi litorali e hanno dovuto sviluppare diversi adattamenti per poter vivere completamente sommerse. Le ... -
L’Angiotensina II modula il calcio intracellulare attivando AT1R, tramite la via di trasduzione dell’IP3 e i canali per il calcio di Tipo T (TCC).
(2008)L’ Angiotensina II è il maggiore effettore del sistema renina-angiotensina. L’Angiotensina I, formata in seguito all’attività enzimatica della renina, interagisce con l’ACE plasmatico e con quello dell’endotelio polmonare ... -
Meccanismi di Cross-talking tra i sistemi Orexinergico e GABAergico nei teleostei
(2014-03-25)The neuropeptides hypocretins/orexins (ORX) are known to control state-dependent activities such as sleep-wakefulness, energy homeostasis and reward/addiction processes. To date, interests regarding ORXergic neuronal ... -
Microbial mediation in the formation and alteration of minerals in shallow marine environments (Southern Calabria, Italy)
(2017-11-26)This work wants to investigate the role that microorganisms have in the alteration and precipitation of minerals, in particular Ca-carbonates, on natural and artefact rocks of archaeological interest in shallow marine ... -
Microemulsioni per la veicolazione di principi attivi
(2013-10-28) -
Mitochondrial DNA a:nd epigenetics. unexpected complex interactions
(2012-11-30)In the research of fundamental processes underlying aging and longevity, an emerging field is represented by "aging epigenetics". In fact, different experimental evidences demonstrate as the rate and quality of human ... -
Modeling of biological permeable reactive barriers
(2017-07-11) -
Molecular effect on pre-mRNA tau alternative splicing of two novel intronic MAPT gene mutations associated to a sporadic case of frontotemporal dementia
(2013-10-29)Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is a heterogeneous syndrome encompassing different nosological entities characterized by behavioural and personality change, accompanied by deterioration of executive function, ... -
MtDNA heteroplasmy in longevity: a puzzling story