Browsing Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato by Title
Now showing items 13-32 of 191
Azione cardiaca della catestatina in Rana esculenta
(2014-03-26) -
Biodiversità dei carabidi e conservazione degli ambienti forestali
(2014-03-25)4 Abstract Resilience, stability and resistence of forest ecosystems are the main properties providing the conservation of those habitats and allowing the maintenance of processes essential for the “ecosystem services” ... -
Caratterizzazione molecolare e funzionale degli amebociti di Ciona intestinalis nella risposta immune mediata dal sistema del complemento
(2014-03-25)Research over the past ten years indicates that the Complement System, the major effector arm of the vertebrate innate immunity, emerged at least 1,300 million years ago, long before the appearance of the adaptive immune ... -
Carbonate Deposition in Tufa Systems: Processes and Products
(2013-11-04) -
Cardiac adaptation to hypoxia: goldfish as a natural animal model
(Università della Calabria, 2020-11-29) -
Cardiac plasticity in fish: the influence of humoral and environmental factors
(2018-06-22)Il rimodellamento cardiaco è un fenomeno complesso che permette un’adeguata attività d’organo in risposta a cambiamenti fisiologici e patologici e coinvolge modificazioni a livello tissutale, cellulare e molecolare, ... -
Cateslytin and Chromofungin, two CgA derived peptides: actors of the immune and cardiac systems
(2017-05-03)Chromogranin A (CgA) belongs to the granin family of uniquely acidic secretory that are ubiquitous in secretory cells of the nervous, endocrine, immune system. Numerous cleavage products of the granins have been identified, ... -
Chronic kidney disease as an age related disease: new study perspectives fron animal models to hospitalized patents
(2019-04-11)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major public health problem worldwide and its main consequences include the loss of renal function leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), an increased risk of cardiovascular disease ... -
Compositional and textural study of beach sands from active volcanic areas (southern tyrrhenian sea)
(2018-05-11)The main goal of this research focuses on the provenance, compositional and textural investigation of modern sand supplied from volcanic terrains (southern Tyrrhenian sea). This is a contribution to quantify the controls ...