Browsing Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato by Title
Now showing items 65-84 of 189
Geochemical modeling of water-rock interaction in the ophiolitic aquifers of Northern Calabria
(2013-11-04)This study was developed in two distinct parts with the ultimate aim to investigate the weathering processes of the metabasalts and serpentinites of Northern Calabria, taking into account the dissolution kinetics of relevant ... -
Geochemical modelling of natural contaminants in groundwaters and their removal by membrane processes
(Università della Calabria, 2021-10-25)The presence of harmful elements dissolved in groundwaters represents one of the main environmental issues of present times. The aim of my PhD Thesis was to study the rock-to-water release and the fate of some inorganic ... -
Geological and structural evolution of tectonically active areas of the central Calabria Arc
(2016-03-04)The Catanzaro Trough is a Neogene-Quaternary basin developed between the Serre and the Sila Massif, filled by up to 2000 m of Upper Miocene to Quaternary sedimentary succession, belonging to the central Calabrian Arc and ... -
Ground Displacement due to tectonics and gravity in Corace river Catchment. Gimigliano case study in Calabria Region Italy
(2018-03-16)Scopo del lavoro di tesi è valutare una nuova correlazione tra alcuni parametri per caratteristici dei bacini idrografici con l'attività tettonica recente e le deformazioni del terreno. Questo lavoro fornisce un rilevamento ... -
Heterologous over-expression of the human amino acid transportes LAT1-CD98 and ASCT2
(2013-12-02)Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane in mammalian cells is mediated by different transport systems such as the Na+-dependent systems A, ASC and N and the Na+- independent system L. Very interestingly some of ... -
I nitriti come molecola segnale: effetti diretti e indiretti sulla regolazione dell'attività cardiaca
(2012-11-20)Nitrite anion is a physiological NO storage form and an alternative way for NO generation, recently emerged as a cardioprotective endogenous modulator. Using Langendorff perfused rat hearts, as paradigms of mammals heart, ... -
<<I>> sintomi comportamentali e psicologici nella malattia di Alzheimer: esordio e differenze di genere
(2018-05-11)BPSD have a deep physical and psychological impact on patients affected by any kind of dementing illness and on caregiver in terms of costs and resources and represent an important cause of institutionalization. The aim ... -
<<Ia>> catestatina migliora la risposta Frank-Starling in cuori di ratto normotesi e ipertesi agendo come attivatore fisiologico del pathway trasduzionale ossido nitrico-dipendente
(16-12-2015)The myocardial response to mechanical stretch (Frank-Starling law) is an important physiological cardiac determinant. Modulated by many endogenous substances, it is impaired in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies ... -
Identification of a feral olive dehydrin gene and its development as a tool for drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2013-11-28)Stress abiotici, quali deficit idrico e salinizzazione del suolo influenzano negativamente la crescita delle piante e la produttività delle colture (Liu et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2007). In campo vegetale, tra le strategie ... -
Identificazione di C-Numb come marcatore dell'ematopoiesi di Ciona intestinalis
(2014-03-25)In Metazoa the maintenance of individuality and the defense against pathogens is devolved to the molecular mechanisms of the innate immunity. Adaptive immunity complements innate immunity in gnathostome vertebrates, thus ... -
Identificazione e caratterizzazione di FoxP nel sistema nervoso centrale di Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca, Cephalopoda)
(2014-03-24)In this study, I searched and was able to identify FoxP in the transcriptome of the cephalopod mollusc Octopus vulgaris, an invertebrate. In addition, I attempted to analyze the expression of Ov-FoxP in the brain of this ...