Browsing Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato by Title
Now showing items 86-105 of 191
Il Recettore Estrogenico alfa e IRS-1 (Insulin Receptor Substate-1) come target dell’azione del Recettore Estrogenico beta
(2013-10-21)Estrogen signalling through ERα plays a central role in many diseases such as breast and endometrial cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. In 1996 it has been discovered a second estrogen receptor in rat ... -
Il ruolo della Cromogranina A e dei suoi peptidi derivati, Serpinina e Catestatina, nella fisiopatologia cardiaca
(2012-11-24)Il ruolo cardiovascolare della CgA e dei suoi peptidi bioattivi è stato ampiamente documentato. I livelli plasmatici di CgA (range fisiologico da 0.5nM a 5nM), inizialmente utilizzati nella pratica clinica come biomarker ... -
<<Il>> ruolo del GPER nelle arterie uterine e mesenteriche in gravidanza
(2015-12-16)Low uteroplacental blood flow has been implicated as a cause of pregnancy hypertension and intrauterine fetal growth retardation. A successful pregnancy outcome requires a sufficient uteroplacental blood flow, which increases ... -
Impact of DNA methylation on plant growth and development: a study on a methylation-defective mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana
(2017-06-09)Epigenetic modifications of DNA contribute to chromatin remodeling process and gene expression regulation playing a relevant role on the development of eukaryotic organisms. DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mark ... -
Impact of DNA methylation status on plant response to cd explored through a transcriptomic analysis
(2019-04-11)Due to their sessile life style, plants are continuously exposed to a variety of abiotic and biotic stresses which could potentially hinder their growth, development, productivity and survival. In this scenario, it appears ... -
In search of genetic and epigenetic markers of human aging and longevity: a study in the Calabrian population
(Università della Calabria, 2021-02-01) -
Indagine archeometrica delle ceramiche rinvenute sul Timpone della Motta di Francavilla Marittima (CS)
(2014-04-10)In this work, we focus on the archaeometric characterisation of some pottery remains dated to the 8th and early 7th centuries BC. The examined sherds come from the excavations carried out by the Groningen Institute of ... -
Interazione tra Catestatina e fibre Orexinergiche/NMDAergiche in condizioni simil-ischemiche nel criceto ibernante
(2014-11-11)L‘ischemia cerebrale rappresenta la principale causa di mortalità e morbidità a livello mondiale, provocando spesso deficit motori e riducendo la qualità della vita. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che la carenza di ossigeno e ... -
Interface rheology of structured food
(2019-03-18)Proteins are widely used to form and to stabilize the interfacial layers in multiphase systems, due to their surface activity and their ability to give high mechanical resistance to interfacial layers. In the food industry, ...