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The relationship between independent minority directors and related party transaction disclosure
(Università della Calabria, 2021)The thesis investigates the role minority shareholders' representation plays on detrimental and abusive Related party transactions (RPT) in Italy. The purpose is to analyse the impact that the slate-vote system can exercise ... -
Green biomaterials and advanced technologies for road pavements
(Università della Calabria, 2021-04-08)The main objective aims at developing methodologies and new biomaterials for the sustainability assessment of “green bituminous mixtures”. “Green bituminous mixtures” is used in the context as a general term for all types ... -
Dynamic argumentation in artificial intelligence
(Università della Calabria, 2020-04-20)L’argumentation è una tematica di grande rilievo che si è distinta nel vasto mondo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. Un sistema di argomentazione, adottando un particolare framework, riesce a gestisce discussioni tra agenti ... -
Synthesis and cherization of low-dimensional materials
(Università della Calabria, 2020-04-16)The main aim of this thesis is to synthesize and study low-dimensional materials, with special focus on: silicene, PtTe2, carbon nano-onions and activated carbon. The first section of this work describes the study of the ... -
Preparazione e caratterizzazione di nanomateriali carboniosi mediante processi idrotermali
(Università della Calabria, 2020-04-21)