Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali e Giuridiche - Tesi di Dottorato
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Questa collezione raccoglie le Tesi di Dottorato afferenti al Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali e Giuridiche dell'Università della Calabria.
Recent Submissions
The relationship between independent minority directors and related party transaction disclosure
(Università della Calabria, 2021)The thesis investigates the role minority shareholders' representation plays on detrimental and abusive Related party transactions (RPT) in Italy. The purpose is to analyse the impact that the slate-vote system can exercise ... -
CSR e performance delle imprese energetiche italiane
(2017)Il presente elaborato mira a focalizzarsi sullo studio della Responsabilità Sociale dell’Impresa, spesso abbreviata con l’acronimo "CSR" (Corporate Social Responsibility), che nella sua accezione più ampia vuole integrare ... -
Cognitive and behavioral reactions of consumers to human density: the moderating role of social factors
(2019)Human density is a crucial factor in several market contexts and in the last forty years marketing researchers have investigated its effects on various consumer reactions, such as satisfaction and choices. However, consumer ... -
Internal and external determinants of corporate failure
(2018)Starting from a series of financial ratios analysis, I build up two indices which take into account both the firm’s debt level and its sustainability. The construction of a Composite Indebtedness index, based on an original ... -
The impact of sovereign credit rating changes on the european financial system
(2018)We aim to assess the impact of sovereign credit rating changes on the European financial system. In particular, we analyze the impact of a sovereign rating change on: the sovereign CDS market, the cost of syndicated ...