Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e Sistemistica - Tesi di Dottorato
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Questa collezione raccoglie le Tesi di Dottorato afferenti al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e Sistemistica dell'Università della Calabria.
Recent Submissions
Methodologies and Applications for Big Data Analytics
(Università della Calabria, 2020-05-02)Due to the emerging Big Data paradigm, driven by the increase availability of users generated data, traditional data management techniques are inadequate in many real life scenarios. The availability of huge amounts of ... -
Dynamic argumentation in artificial intelligence
(Università della Calabria, 2020-04-20)L’argumentation è una tematica di grande rilievo che si è distinta nel vasto mondo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. Un sistema di argomentazione, adottando un particolare framework, riesce a gestisce discussioni tra agenti ... -
Distributed Model Predictive Control Strategies for Constrained Multi-Agent Systems Moving in Uncertain Environments
(Università della Calabria, 2021-09-17) -
Phased array building blocks for 5G networks
(Università della Calabria, 2021-09-09)5G will have to support a multitude of new applications with a wide variety of requirements, including higher user data rates and network capacity, reduced latency, improved energy efficiency, and so on. These aspects will ... -
Technologies and IoT Protocols applied to Energy Management in Smart Home Environment
(Università della Calabria, 2021-09-13)This thesis presents the studies during this period of my PhD course. In the first research period, I focused the activities principally on the study and analysis of the protocols and technologies used for the IoT solutions ... -
Classification of medical images: instance space optimization models for Multiple Instance Learning
(Università della Calabria, 2020-05-07) -
Radianting elements for 5G Backhauling Systems
(Università della Calabria, 2021-09-09)5G will have to support a multitude of new applications with a wide variety of requirements, including higher peak and user data rates, reduced latency, enhanced indoor coverage, increased number of devices, and so on. ... -
Innovative Techniques to Support the Surveying and the Exploration of Underwater Sites by Scientific and Recreational Divers
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-14)In the submerged environment divers often suffer from low visibility conditions that make difficult the orientation within an underwater site. At present, there is a lack of technologies and tools supporting the divers to ... -
Mining and learning problems in complex graph data
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-10)I grafi sono modelli matematici che rappresentano oggetti, chiamati nodi o vertici, coinvolti in relazioni a coppia, detti archi. Tali modelli vengono impiegati per descrivere sistemi interconnessi tra cui reti tecnologiche ... -
Approximate Query Answering over Incomplete and Inconsistent Databases
(Università della Calabria, 2021-09-14) -
Progettazione di circuiti a bassissima potenza e tensione per System on Chip energicamente autonomi
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-15)Ultra-low power/voltage (ULP/ULV) circuits (both analog and digital blocks) have been gaining considerable interest from the scientific community in the last few years. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) era has ... -
Study characterization of modern 4h-sic power mosfetsF
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-05) -
Emering problems in influence propagation and maximization
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-10)In the last two decades we witnessed the advent and the rapid growth of online social networks (OSNs). The impact of their pervasive diffusion on everyday life has been dramatic. In fact, social networks changed the way ... -
Controllo ambientale. Campagne di monitoraggio atmosferico
(2012-11-29)La normativa ambientale riveste una importanza fondamentale per chi effettua ricerca in campo ambientale poiché, da un lato, definisce lo stato attuale ed i limiti vigenti; dall’altro, evidenzia proprio tali limiti ... -
Controllo ambientale. Campagne di monitoraggio atmosferico
(2012-11-29) -
Controllo ambientale. Campagne di monitoraggio atmosferico
(2012-11-29) -
Controllo ambientale. Campagne di monitoraggio atmosferico