Browsing Dipartimento di Fisica - Tesi di Dottorato by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 200
<<A>> modelling study of atmospheric cycle of mercury and its exchange processes at environmental interfaces
(2015-12-18)Since ancient times human activities have significantly altered the natural global Mercury (Hg) cycle through emissions to the environment. Hg is a global pollutant since its predominant atmospheric form, elemental Hg, ... -
<<A>> proposal of efficient routing techniques and intelligent vehicular traffic management in the smart cities context, through distributed wireless networks
(2016-02-02)In this thesis, the design of e cient techniques for routing protocol suitable to Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) has been pro- posed. In particular, the aims of the proposed protocols are to reduce interference ... -
Absorpitive losses mitigation in gain-plasmon hybrid systems as optical metamaterials
(2013-11-29)In the past decade, plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) have gained a lot of interest due to their exceptional and fascinating properties which have been accomplishing vital role in emerging science and technology towards ... -
Active plasmonic nanostructures for biomedical applications
(Università della Calabria, 2020-03-27)Real-time and label-free detection of protein molecules at ultralow concentration in their natural state is considered the “Holy-Grail” in biomedical research. Protein molecules pop up in the bodily fluids such as saliva, ... -
Active plasmonics in soft matter doped with gold nanoparticles plasmonica attiva in materia soffice drogata con nanoparticelle d'oro
(2013-11-29)The main objective of this study is active plasmonics. The work has been focussed on the design, characterization and theoretical interpretation of novel systems. Top-down and bottom-up, self-assembling, approaches have ... -
Adsorption properties of carbon nanotubes and application of thermal desoprtion spectroscopy to ammonia and methane ices and zoisite
(2010-12-14)In this work we wanted to underline the importance of Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy and its applications to several branches of Physics. Temperature-programmed desorption techniques (TPD) are important to determinate ... -
Adsorption properties of carbon nanotubes and application of thermal desoprtion spectroscopy to ammonia and methane ices and zoisite
(2014-05-15)In this work we wanted to underline the importance of Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy and its applications to several branches of Physics. Temperature-programmed desorption techniques (TPD) are important to determinate ... -
Advanced Materials (Ceramics in particular) for Structural Applications
(2015-12-15)The study of ‘Intrinsic and Metal nano particles doped polymer thin films for soft matter applications and nanostructured Hyperbolic metamaterials’ is an challenging and dynamic field of research with significant implications ... -
Advances in biocatalytic membrane reactors development
(2017-07-21) -
Air quality and pollutant modelling in the mediterranean regionDocumenti elettronici
(2013-11-11)L'inquinamento atmosferico viene de nito come la presenza di sostanze che possono avere e etti dannosi sulla salute umana o sull'intero sistema ambientale (EC, 2008), causando e etti misurabili sugli animali, sulla ... -
Applicazione dei big data nel turismo, marketing ed education
(Università della Calabria, 2020-03-18)Il mondo è attualmente inondato da dati e l’avanzare delle tecnologie digitali amplifica questo fenomeno in modo esponenziale. Tale fenomeno viene etichettato con il concetto di Big Data ovvero le tracce digitali che le ... -
Archaeometric studies bymeans of complementary and non-destructive physical methodologies with micrometric resolution
(Università della Calabria, 2021-07-19)The approach to the study of cultural heritage and archaeology find is highly interdisciplinary. The archaeometry expert has to be a multidisciplinary figure with different skills in hard sciences (physical, chemical, ... -
Aspects of phase transitions in gauge theories and spin models on the lattice
(2016-02-26)The main focus of this thesis are phase transitions both in gauge theories, in particular in Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD), and in two-dimensional spin models. The approach is numeric, relying on dedicated simulation and ... -
Astroparticle physics as a telescope for solar interior, galactic and extragalactic structures
(2013-11-25)Astroparticle physics provide a fundamental tool to investigate the astrophysical structures at different scales. In this thesis the results are presented of three years of research focused on time variations on solar ...