Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 341-360 di 1635
Emergency preparedness in industrial plants: an industry 4.0 driven training solution
(2019-03-04)Major accident hazards industrial sites or high-risk industries lack of a dedicated training methodology and environment to enhance significantly the personnel rate of retention as well as emergency preparedness and ... -
Can packaging color influence consumers' willingness to pay?: evidences of the Au Naturel-Colored packaging effect
(2017)Color is omnipresent in marketing activities as stimulus to influence consumers' responses. Indeed, it is an important source of information to evaluate and choose products. A great deal of research has looked at color ... -
Analysis and development of physical and MAC Layer protocols in mobile ad Hoc networks involving directional antenna communications
(2019-06-20)Most recent Studies and Researches in IT (Information Technology) are bringing to an increasing development of Pervasive Communication Environments Systems such as MANET and Sensor Networks that assumed great importance, ... -
The determinants and the effects of the environmental taxation in european countries
(2017)The economic growth has always been associated with increasing use of energy and resource. The countries around the world continue to advance economically and, in this way, they put a strain on the ability of the natural ... -
Different measures of credit risk: comparison between credit rating and CDS
(2017)Il rapido ritmo di innovazione finanziaria che ha avuto luogo nel corso dell’ultimo decennio ha portato ad una proliferazione di nuovi e sempre pi`u sofisticati prodotti finanziari che hanno reso il sistema finanziario ... -
Reliability of GaN-based devices for Energy Efficient Power Applications
(2019-06-20)The wide spectrum of power electronics applications, including their role in renewable energy conversion and energy saving, require the innovation from conventional Silicon (Si) technology into new materials and architectures ... -
Integration of nanophotonic devices on silicon
(2019-06-20)The purpose of this thesis research project has been the integration of photonic nanostructures on silicon substrate. In particular, three different devices have been developed, whose application fields fall within the ... -
Impact of positive and negative information on economic outcomes
(2019)This thesis investigates the impact of information on economic outcomes. We find empirical evidence that the high level of information to which consumers are exposed has the ability to influence their behavior. In the ... -
Dual mode logic-based design of variable-precision arithmetic circuits
(2019-06-20)The ever growing technological progress has an unquestionable impact on our society and, with the recent emergence of innovative technological paradigms, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), ... -
Cognitive and behavioral reactions of consumers to human density: the moderating role of social factors
(2019)Human density is a crucial factor in several market contexts and in the last forty years marketing researchers have investigated its effects on various consumer reactions, such as satisfaction and choices. However, consumer ...