Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 361-380 di 1635
User behavioral problems in complex social networks
(2019-06-20)Over the past two decades, we witnessed the advent and the rapid growth of numerous social networking platforms. Their pervasive diffusion dramatically changed the way we communicate and socialize with each other. They ... -
La comunicazione delle emozioni in una lingua seconda: un'indagine acustico-uditiva
(2017)La presente ricerca si è posta l'obiettivo di verificare a quali difficoltà andassero incontro apprendenti di italiano di origine russa con un livello di competenza intermedio (B1/B2) in contesti comunicativi che ... -
Enhancements of Autonomous Vehicles Environment based on smart communication systems
(2019-06-20)The first part of this thesis is focused on the vehicular networks and on the different protocols that are used in vehicular environment to exchange information and data. A description of the most used protocols of ... -
Impatto ambientale, energie rinnovabili e politiche di supporto nei paesi europei
(2019)La presente tesi di dottorato, articolata in tre capitoli autonomi, si pone come obiettivo primario lo studio, teorico ed empirico, della relazione intercorrente tra crescita economica, l’inquinamento ambientale e la ... -
La letteratura weird
(2019)The thesis is a study on the weird fiction, a particular type of speculative fiction. The survey is based on two inquiries: a tentative of definition of the weird fiction itself, and an investigation about the evolution ... -
Alle origini della drammaturgia rinascimentale: due commedie di area mantovana
(2019)La tesi Alle origini della drammaturgia rinascimentale: due commedie di area mantovana consiste nell’indagine della fase inaugurale della drammaturgia comica rinascimentale, attraverso l’analisi di due commedie che si ... -
Non chiedetemi chi sono: il chiasmo del soggetto tra Jacques Lacan e Michel Foucault
(2019)This dissertation is about the roles played by Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault in the philosophical debate about the issue of the subject, which involved many philosophers in the Twentieth century. The first chapter opens ... -
Studi sull'edilizia domestica in Calabria dall'età coloniale all'Ellenismo
(2019)The research project aims to reconstruct the development of the residential system of the Greek colonies in Calabria from the Colonial age until Hellenism, starting from the study of the Greek house in the motherland – ... -
La piega di Deleuze tra Leibniz e il barocco
(2019)The subject of my thesis is the concept of “fold” in the work of Gilles Deleuze, as it emerges in the late 80’s. My purpose is to show that the concept of fold can summarise the entirety of Deleuze’s philosophical project. ... -
Hardening the security of modern operating systems against side-channel and rowhammer attacks
(2019-06-20)Advancements in exploitation techniques call for the need of advanced defenses. Modern operating systems have to face new sophisticate attacks that do not rely on any programming mistake, rather they exploit leaking ... -
<<A>> modelling study of atmospheric cycle of mercury and its exchange processes at environmental interfaces
(2015-12-18)Since ancient times human activities have significantly altered the natural global Mercury (Hg) cycle through emissions to the environment. Hg is a global pollutant since its predominant atmospheric form, elemental Hg, ... -
Internal and external determinants of corporate failure
(2018)Starting from a series of financial ratios analysis, I build up two indices which take into account both the firm’s debt level and its sustainability. The construction of a Composite Indebtedness index, based on an original ... -
Interaction of waves and particles with inhomogeneous structures in heliospheric plasmas
(2015-12-18)In questo lavoro vengono affrontati alcuni problemi ancora non risolti che riguardano la fisica dell’eliosfera. Nell’introduzione vengono esposti i risultati finora raggiunti nella ricerca in questo campo e presentate ...