Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 501-520 di 1635
Modelling study of vanadium based alloys and crystalline porous materials for gas separation membranes
(2016-02-26)Gas! membrane! separation! is! an! attractive! technology! that! is! often! superior! to! other! more! conventional! procedures! for! separation! of! gaseous! species! in! terms! of! energy! consumption! and! environmental! ... -
Renewable energy generation and hydrogen production from concentrated brine by reverse eectrodialysis
(2016-02-26)Salinity Gradient Power-Reverse Electrodialysis (SGP-RE) is among the emerging membrane-based technologies for renewable energy generation. In RE, cation exchange membranes (CEM) and anion exchange membranes (AEMs) are ... -
Functionalized polymeric membranes for development of biohybrid systems
(2016-02-26)Le proprietà di superficie di una membrana sono di grande importanza per la sua funzione. Mediante tecniche di funzionalizzazione chimica è possibile ottenere membrane con gruppi funzionali in grado di adempiere nuove e ... -
Membrane crystallization for recovery of valuable compounds from waste streams
(2016-02-26)Sustainable development and Process intensification strategy are guidelines for industrial processes in perspective. It is becoming more and more common that industry wants to fully exploit their resources due to ... -
Chemical looping desulphurization: model and applications to power systems
(2016-02-26)I processi di assorbimento, sia sici che chimici a base di ammine, sono attualmente utilizzati per rimuovere e cacemente i composti dello zolfo. Nonostante l'eccellente desolforazione, questa strategia e termicamente ... -
Study of the expression of a Small Leucin-Rich Proteoglycan, Asporin, in normal human osteoblasts and regulation by breast cancer cells
(2014-11-17)Asporin (ASPN) is an extracellular matrix protein that belongs to the Small Leucine Rich Repeat proteoglycan (SLRP) family. Asporin is abundantly expressed in the articular cartilage of individuals with osteoarthritis. ... -
Characterization of the role of ageing on mechanical and thermal nociception and nocifensive response to formalin test in C57BL/6 Mice
(2014-10-27)Il dolore cronico, che riduce notevolmente la qualità della vita, interessa un vasto segmento della popolazione globale (il 25% della popolazione Europea e più di 100 milioni di cittadini Americani), diventando anche più ... -
Effects of adiponectin on the progression of breast cancer: role of Estrogen Receptor alpha
(2014-11-28)Adipose tissue is no longer considered an inert tissue for storing energy but is now recognized as an active endocrine organ secreting adipokines, cytokines and a diverse range of inflammatory markers. Adiponectin is ... -
Leptin mediates hyperglycemia-induced angiogenic effects in retinal endothelial cells
(2015-06-18)Hyperglycemia (HG)-activated cytokines and inflammatory factors have been implicated in ocular neovascularization and diabetic retinopathy (DR). However, the effects of HG on the expression and function of leptin in ... -
Transcriptional regulation by inositol polyphosphates
(2014-10-27) -
<<Il>> sistema antisismico borbonico: analisi storica, meccanico costruttiva e sperimentale
(2014-11-25)Il 1783 segna per la Calabria una data infausta, un terremoto dalle proporzioni inaudite colpisce la Calabria Ulteriore con repliche che continuarono incessantemente per circa tre anni. Le conseguenze furono catastrofiche ... -
Health monitoring of buildings: methodologies, tools and practical applications
(2014-10-31)Garantire un elevato livello di sicurezza per gli edi ci e un compito importante che coinvolge tutta la vita dell'edi cio, dalla progettazione al servizio quotidiano. I sistemi di sicurezza dell'edi cio possono rispondere ... -
Boundary element analysis of composite materials
(2014-10-31)Nowdays the numerical simulation of mechanical and structural problems in engineering is the method of analysis and design more widespread. Compared to the use of analytical solutions, the numerical simulation is ... -
Molecular simulation of transport proteins in interaction with physiological and pharmacological ligands
(2014-11-13)Molecular complexes of transport proteins with small compounds have been studied by using docking techniques and molecular dynamics simulations. The macromolecules considered are β- lactoglobulin and albumin, i.e. the ...