Sfoglia Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Ambiente - Tesi di Dottorato per Titolo
Items 1-20 di 125
Accuracy aspects in flood propagation studies due to earthfill dam failures
(2015-10-30)Flooding due to dam failing is one of the catastrophic disasters which might cause significant damages in the inundated area downstream of the dam. In particular, there is a need of trustworthy numerical techniques for ... -
Analysis of membrane reactor integration in hydrogen production process
(2014-11-11)In the H2 production field, the membrane reactor (MR) technology is considered a promising and interesting technology. In this thesis work the integration in a small scale hydrogen generator of an MR, to carry out ... -
Applicazione della shallow water equations per la simulazione numerica a scala di bacino degli eventi alluvionali
(Università della Calabria, 2020-04-16)La valutazione del rischio idraulico connesso alle piene dei corsi d’acqua è particolarmente delicata quando gli eventi alluvionali hanno carattere impulsivo, come accade nei bacini di modeste dimensioni. L’approccio ... -
Approccio metodologico per la valutazione modulare della vulnerabilità finalizzata alla riduzione dei rischi naturali antropici 2021
(Università della Calabria, 2021-05-10)Vulnerability is an important component of risk assessment and represents the main element in the risk perception. Typically, the characteristics related to social, cultural, physical and institutional factors increase ... -
Bio-Hybrid Membrane Process for Food-based Wastewater Valorisation: a pathway to an efficient integrated membrane process design
(2014-11-11)The food industry is by far the largest potable water consuming industry that releases about 500 million m3 of wastewater per annum with very high organic loading. Simple treatment of this stream using conventional ... -
Biomateriali a base di silice per applicazioni innovative
(2007-11-09) -
Charged-particle distributions and material measurements in ps = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS Inner Detector
(2017-07-14)The Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, which began in Spring 2015, offers new challenges to the Experiments with its unprecedented energy scale and high luminosity regime. To cope with the new experimental conditions, ... -
Chemical looping desulphurization: model and applications to power systems
(2016-02-26)I processi di assorbimento, sia sici che chimici a base di ammine, sono attualmente utilizzati per rimuovere e cacemente i composti dello zolfo. Nonostante l'eccellente desolforazione, questa strategia e termicamente ... -
Coherent structures of turbulence in wall-bounded turbulent flows
(2011-10-24)Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of a fully developed turbulent channel flow represents a powerful tool in turbulence research: it has been carried out to investigate the main characteristics of wall-bounded turbulence. ...