Posizionamenti, corpi, strategie discorsive: il movimento Femen alla prova dei femminismi contemporanei
Dottorato di ricerca in Politica, cultura e sviluppo, XXX ciclo; This study compares some sites, theories and praxes of transnational feminisms in
Ukraine and France, in order to examine contemporary feminist mobilization trends.
The goal is twofold: to understand similarities and/or differences in the feminist praxes
of two locations; and to interrogate the notion and currency of the ―transnational‖ within
feminist activism and knowledge-creation. The phenomenon of transnational feminism
is interrogated both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. This comparative
study focuses on a specific case-study: the topless-feminist group Femen founded in
Ukraine in 2008 and settled in France since 2012. In my opinion, Femen corporeality is
deeply shaped by both the time and place of its performances: my research focuses not
just on Femen‘s feminist discourses and activism but also on their references from
previous mobilizations and current relationships with other groups and movements, in
different times and spaces. My overall aim is to examine discursive framings of
corporeality and transformations in contemporary Ukraine compared with both
Ukrainian Soviet past and France, in the interest of the evolving shapes of the
transnational feminist public space. Thus, my dissertation addresses questions from two
perspectives. An historical perspective, questioning how new gendered spaces are
constructed in post-Soviet Ukraine and how Femen defines its position in the current
situation of contemporary France. A sociological and feminist perspective, questioning
how Femen‘s activism changes when transplanted across different countries. Agreeing
with Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan‘s work «on theories of travel and the
intersections of feminist, colonial and postcolonial discourses, modernism and
postmodern hybridity» (Grewal & Kaplan 1994, p. 1), analyzing Femen, in my opinion,
presents a twofold asset: to spread counter-narratives of the articulation between
colonial and post-colonial period and to enlarge future possibilities of transnational
feminist practices.Soggetto
Femminismo transnazionale; Movimenti femministi; Femen